Educational Leadership Certification

Admission Requirements

Applicants for admission must meet the following admission requirements:

  1. Degree: An earned bachelor's degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
  2. GPA: Achieved a minimum 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point of average in the last 60 hours of the bachelor's degree
  3. Professional License/Certificate: Possess a current Florida or other State Professional Educator's License/Certificate
  4. Professional Experience: Must have two years of full-time classroom teaching experience.
  5. Professional Instructional Expertise: Documented successful demonstration of the core standards for effective educators outlined in the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) and a documented track record of achieving student gains.
  6. Professional Leadership Potential: At a minimum, documented critical skills and dispositions that focus on improving student achievement in the applicant's own classroom and demonstrable improvement of teaching effectiveness in the classrooms of colleagues
  7. In addition, the applicant must upload into the Graduate School's CollegeNET system, the FAMU Educational Leadership Master's Program's School Administrator/Leader Professional Leadership Potential Form. This Form is to be completed by the School Administrator/Leader to address the applicant's professional leadership potential (at a minimum, demonstrated critical skills and dispositions that focus on improving student achievement in the applicant's own classroom and demonstrable improvement of teaching effectiveness in the classrooms of colleagues, as well as any other documentation of Professional Leadership Potential).
  8. GRE Test Score: Must submit current GRE scores (within the last 5 years of admissions application date). The FAMU GRE school code is 5215. All GRE scores are submitted electronically using FAMU school code. Contact the Graduate School if you have questions regarding submission of GRE Test Scores.
  9. Transcripts: Submit one official copy of bachelor's degree transcript and one official copy of master's degree transcript (if applicable). Upload transcript(s) into the Graduate School's CollegeNET system.
  10. Online Graduate Admission Application: The Graduate Admission Office requires all applicants to use the online application. The online application can be found at
  11. Professional References: Submit three (3) professional references. One of the references must be from a school administrator/leader. Upload all Professional References into the Graduate School's CollegeNET system.
  12. Leadership Statement: A three-page statement of your beliefs about leadership, values that inform your beliefs about leadership, related leadership experience(s), and leadership goals. Upload the Leadership Statement into the Graduate School's CollegeNET system.
  13. Resume or Curriculum Vitae: Resume or Curriculum Vitae must be uploaded into the Graduate School's CollegeNET system.
  14. Meet the application submission deadline.


With cutting-edge programs and research opportunities, our faculty and students are shaping the future.
With cutting-edge programs and research opportunities, our faculty and students are shaping the future.


Completion Requirements

A minimum program of twenty-one (21) semester hours of educational leadership courses selected from the following. Other courses may be required.

Essential Understanding of Administration in America’s Public Education System. Concepts, Processes, Theories, and Roles Explored.


Essential Knowledge and Skills Related To Principles of Finance and Business Management, Budgetary Practices, Office Management, and Financial Accounting And Reporting.


An In-depth Examination of The Major Components of Human Resources Administration and Their Relationship To Effective Leadership and Schools. Particular Attention Devoted To Strategic Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Induction, Supervision, Staff Development, Collective Bargaining, Technology, and Legal Issues in Personnel Administration.


Issues and Problems Concerning Law And Public Education; Developing Competence in Legal Research; Working with Questions of Fact, Value, and Policy.


*The Alternative for this course is EDA 5530 Principles Of Secondary School Administration (3)

Competencies Required for School-based Management and Leadership of Programs for Grades PreK-6.


*The Alternative for this course is EDA 5510 Principles Of Elementary School Administration (3)

Skills Needed For Middle School And High School-Based Management Leadership For Grades 5-12.


This Course Focuses on the Development of Candidates’ Communication Skills.

Content Provides for Candidates' Development of Effective Written and Oral Communication Skills. Learning Emphasis is Placed on Understanding and Using Effective Communication Media in Various Situations, Communicating in Clear and Unambiguous Terms, Recognizing the Role of Communication in the Leadership Capacity, the Development of Culturally Sensitive Communication, and the Role of Communication in Organizations


This Course is Designed to Provide School Leaders With Experiences Enabling an (a) Understanding of Technologies Capabilities, (b) Applying Technology to Administrative Tasks, And (c) Facilitating Technology Integration into the Teaching and Learning Process.

Course Content Emphasizes the Role Inclusive of Knowledge and Skills Needed to Plan For Technology In The School Setting, Collaboration with Teachers and other Technologically Astute Persons and Organizations to Build A Technology Environment, and Support the Professional Development of Teachers in Technology Use in Their Practice


This Course Focuses on Major Issues in the Administration of Programs Designed to Serve English Language Learners In Public Schools. Specific Legal, Sociological, Psychological, and Philosophical Issues related to Program Development, Administration And Maintenance to Serve English Learners is Addressed. Emphasis on the Roles of Psychologists, Guidance Counselors, Social Workers, and Administrators are stressed via Content.




Candidates who did not graduate from a teacher program must have six (6) additional semester hours of curriculum and six (6) additional semester hours of foundation courses. This means that the total number of hours for completion may vary between 24-36 hours.

** Course requirements are subject to change in accordance with new directions, state and federal mandates.

*** Candidates must have a minimum of 3.0 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) before they may graduate from the program, and must submit three artifacts for each course in an e-folio in TaskStream.

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other"
John F. Kennedy
35th U.S. President

Graduation Requirements for Master’s Degree

A minimum program of thirty-nine (39) semester hours in the following areas:

  • 3 credit hours of Foundations of Education;
  • 33 credit hours of Educational Leadership core courses; and
  • 3 credit hours of Internship.

Additionally, students must:

  • Have a cumulative 3.0 grade point average;
  • Pass the master’s comprehensive examination;
  • Pass the Florida Educational Leadership Examination (FELE);
  • Have no "C" or lower grades;
  • Not have repeated and passed a maximum of 2 classes (No grade of “C” or below will be accepted toward credit in the program and only two classes in which a grade of “C” or below is made may be repeated); and
  • An e-folio of all required work in TaskStream.

Contact Us

COE Main Office
Gore Educational Complex
501 Orr Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32307
(850) 561-2989
(850) 561-2793